Pregnancy, labor & delivery, having a newborn, and feeding this little person can be daunting!

Lets take this journey together

I've helped many vibrant mamas learn about the nutritional demands made on their bodies when pregnant as well as breastfeeding, or formula feeding.  We work through solid food introduction, which ones, food sensitivities, feeding how much and when, toddler foods and weaning, all while making sure that mama is making herself a priority, finding her "new normal" and getting back to feeling like herself again.

What we feed our bodies (in utero and beyond) strongly affects long-term gut flora, body weight, general health, metabolic programming, immune system, and general health. Breast milk is the "liquid gold" for infants. It’s full of antibodies, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties along with fatty acids, which promote optimal brain development. Breast milk helps infants fight off disease (such as gastrointestinal and respiratory infections) both now and in the future. Because breastfeeding stimulates the release of beneficial hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin, it can help the mama lose weight and bond with her baby. And while breastfeeding is best, don’t feel guilty if you can’t breastfeed exclusively. There are many circumstances that might make breastfeeding difficult. Health problems, medications or prior health issues may inhibit you from breastfeeding. Don’t feel you’ve failed if you have to supplement or exclusively use formula. In fact, most formula-fed babies do just fine. I did, just ask my mom.

If you want to make baby and mama your biggest priority surrounded with support, information, respected education and first-hand knowledge, then my program is perfect for you. The Purely, Simply Mama and Baby program is flexible. Every mother is different. Every baby is unique. Therefore, every program will be individually tailored for what 's best for you and your child.

Let's create a path to wellness for you and your baby.

Every pregnancy, every mama and every baby is unique. You're program will be 100% personalized, and may include any of the following topics:

Baby's Health:

  • First days with a newborn
  • Proper latch
  • Sleepy nursling
  • Timed feeding schedule, nursing on demand & feeding cues
  • Colicky baby, or is it more?
  • Pumping/which pump/when/how often?
  • Traveling with pumped breast milk
  • Should I offer a bottle or pacifier? When? Which kind?
  • Baby won't take a bottle
  • Homemade vs jarred baby food
  • Weight gain and growth
  • Nutrient requirements babies and toddlers
  • Food allergies and sensitivities, signs to look for
  • When can baby eat more food?
  • Weaning (baby led vs mama led)
  • Nursing in public
  • Newborn diapers and what to look for

Mama's Health:

  • Nutrition/recipes/meal plans for pregnancy
  • Coping with weight concerns
  • Exercising in pregnancy
  • Labor and delivery
  • Birthing options
  • Doulas and midwives
  • Vitamins & nutrients for pregnancy and postpartum
  • Food: organic vs conventional vs GMO
  • Food allergies / sensitivities
  • Common ailments and nutrients
  • Nutrition for sleep and stress
  • Fluid / hydration importance
  • Breast care (nursing gear)
  • Exercise and lactation
  • Mastitis vs blocked duct
  • Being away from baby

Are you ready for a healthy pregnancy, healthy baby and healthy motherhood? I can't wait to help you.

On this journey, you will also receive:

  • A personal meal plan with menus designed for your individual needs
  • My How To Grocery Shop Purely, Simply guide
  • My How To Stock Your Pantry Purely, Simply guide/shopping list
  • Accountability with weekly check-in emails
  • Unlimited email support
  • Unlimited text support for those immediate mama/baby concerns
  • Recommended recipes and natural food therapies
  • Recommended lifestyle adjustments to build a lifetime of wellness
  • Ongoing motivational and emotional coaching


How it Works:

I will work with you one-on-one to create a step-by-step path to wellness for you and baby and support you through dietary and lifestyle adjustments necessary for optimal mama and baby health and happiness. I will help you in pregnancy, those early days with baby, your "new normal" days with baby and just the days you need someone to listen, ask and confirm your mama intuition.

We'll start with an initial consultation (on the phone/skype or in person), where we’ll discuss your personal goals, desires, and concerns surrounding pregnancy/motherhood. We’ll assess your needs and I'll offer my recommendations to meet your goals for the short and long term to create your personalized journey.



Schedule your complimentary consultation.

  • 1 month Purely, Simply Mama and Baby
  • 3 month Purely, Simply Mama and Baby
  • 6 month Purely, Simply Mama and Baby

*Individual coaching services are available in 1, 3 or 6 month packages, and you may extend your services at any time.

It is important to me as a mama/baby educator to stay current with this ever changing subject matter. In addition to my extensive IIN training I continue to complete intensives, workshops and certifications in Maternal, Infan, and youth nutrition with accredited institutions such as:
University of Minnesota, Breasfteeding USA , and upcoming with Stanford University.

** Photos by Looking Glass Photography